
The following program will calculate the volume of the main geometric solids.
Enter the measurements of your solid then click the submit button to get the answer.


cube cube cube cube

The Volume of a Cube = length x width x height

Length = Width = Height =

Rectangular Prisms

cube cube cube cube

The Volume of a Rectangular Prism = length x width x height

Length = Width = Height =


cylinder cylinder cylinder cylinder cylinder

The Volume of a Cylinder = ∏ x (radius)2 x height

Radius = Height =


cone cone cone

The Volume of a Cone = 1/3 x ∏ x (radius)2 x height

Radius = Height =


pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid

The Volume of a Pyramid = 1/3 x length x width x height

Length = Width = Height =


sphere sphere sphere sphere

The Volume of a Shere = 4/3 x ∏ x (radius)3

Radius =